Original Project Thread: /https://www.aussiearcade.com/topic/34190-minipin/
I’ve probably been working on this on and off for about 8 months but haven’t touched it in at least 4 months or so. I needed to do this on a tiny budget and essentially use what already had with minimal further outlay.
I’m determined to finish this bugger off over the next 4-8weeks though and what better incentive than to post about it on here thereby guilting me into a result LOL!
Playfield is a 22″ widescreen monitor. Backglass is a 19″ 4:3. I have left enough room for a 3rd for a DMD but funds won’t allow this so I’ll do without for now.
The overall design is a mix between a woodrail and a Williams but leaning towards more of a woodrail look.
The PC has been built for about 12 months with about 50pins divided between Visual Pinball and Future Pinball all running via Hyperpin frontend. It works fantastically and will come up a real treat in the cab.
I’m using donated legs rather than wood and will clean them up and possibly paint them. The cab will a look of an older machine.

I cut out the coin door insert and installed along with lock and coin mech.
Also installed a slide/rail system for the PC and door on the rear. Still need to acquire 2 fans to install in the back but that can wait. Been building the PC system over the last few weeks. I forgot how much of a pain in the arse it is =/
Just prepping to paint the cab over the next 2 days. Also constructing the lockdown bar out of timber =)

I have been working on this, just damn slowly AND waiting for time combined with decent weather for painting. In that time I’ve been building/configuring the PC and Hyperpin as well as custom lockdown bar and apron.
Here are a few pictures:
The apron is attached with a couple of brackets. The lockdown bar attaches to that with two bolts that slot into the apron just like on an old woodrail. It was made with two pieces of timber sandwiching in the bolts. When inserted into the apron there is a recessed slot left over for the glass to slide into. Overall I’m very happy with it except for the final clearcoat. The timber looked freaking awesome being really shiny and smooth but I just HAD to put an extra coat on for peace of mind and the last coat speckled =( I’ll need to use some 1200 or 1500 grit and then recoat again.
I currently have 3 coats of undercoat on the cab and plan on a white main colour with red and blue details to go on after.

After the undercoating and a week of letting it set it was time to add some colour.

Finished painting the backbox and have attached to the carcass. Installed all buttons and test fitted timber trim and monitors. The playfield monitor is go0ing to be raised a little higher and then will have a bezel and glass top. Won’t need much of a bezel as it was constructed for the size of the monitor. I still need to make the framing from the back monitor and speaker surrounds. Need to install some fans at the back and then the PC which is already built. I also installed a std arcade button underneath in the same spot that a pinball power switch is usually placed for powering the system up and down.
Overall I’m pretty happy with the outcome. A few small spots of paint to touch up where there was marginal bleed and I’ll be happy. I meant to drop into jaycar and pickup some parts but forgot and they’re not open today. I just want the fans, some PCB feet and a power outlet to wire a powerboard into. I’ll have to wait until next week now but it’s just as well as I have too damn much gardening and shit to do.

Finished adding timber trim, installed the electrical components and the machine is now playable!

The machine now has just over 500 Pinball Machines installed on it and is a lot of fun!